Draco docker


Before starting

Obviously, you will need docker installed and running in you machine. Please, check this official start guide.

Getting an image

Building from sources

Start by cloning the fiware-Draco repository:

    git clone https://github.com/ging/fiware-Draco.git
    cd fiware-Draco
    git checkout release/2.0.0

Change directory:

    cd nifi-ngsi-resources/docker

And run the following command:

    sudo docker build -f ./Dockerfile -t Draco .

Once finished (it may take a while), you can check the available images at your docker by typing:

$ docker images
REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             VIRTUAL SIZE
Draco              latest              6a9e16550c82        10 seconds ago      462.1 MB
centos              6                   273a1eca2d3a        2 weeks ago         194.6 MB

Using docker hub image

Instead of building an image from the scratch, you may download it from hub.docker.com:

    $ docker pull ging/fiware-draco

It can be listed the same way than above:

$ docker images
REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             VIRTUAL SIZE
Draco              latest              6a9e16550c82        10 seconds ago      462.1 MB
centos              6                   273a1eca2d3a        2 weeks ago         194.6 MB

Using the image

As it is

The Draco image (either built from the scratch, either downloaded from hub.docker.com) allows running a Draco in charge of receiving NGSI-like notifications and persisting them into wide variety of storages: MySQL (Running in a iot-mysql host), MongoDB, etc.

Start a container for this image by typing in a terminal:

    $ docker run --name draco -p 8443:8443 -p 5050:5050 -d ging/fiware-draco

Immediately after, you will start seeing Draco-ngsi you can access to the Draco GUI Interface putting this direction into your browser https://localhost:8443/nifi

You can check the running container (in a second terminal shell):

$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                CREATED              STATUS              PORTS                NAMES
9ce0f09f5676        Draco            "/entrypoint.   About a minute ago   Up About a minute   5050/tcp, 8443/tcp   focused_kilby

You can check the IP address of the container above by doing:

$ docker inspect 9ce0f09f5676 | grep \"IPAddress\"
        "IPAddress": "",

You can stop the container as:

$ docker stop 9ce0f09f5676
$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES

Now you can continue and go tho the Quick Start Guide for testing your deployment with a MySQL database.

If you want to use a specific configuration of Draco you can use the guide provided by the official repository of NIFI since Draco was built using the same engine as NIFi but including some additional processors and templates.